My Movie!

Ok guys I’m shooting a movie between maxine’s and peoples cub condos so i need lots of actors audition will not be included only ten people needed also boys and girls the movie will be called the girls of bearywood high summary:its about 5 teenage girls who have a big sience test coming up since they have been blogging they forgot to study and what will they do? the girls names are Ashley Peyton Ari Rosanna and Mackenzie Ashley is really popular so I’m willing that marina would join as her and Peyton is mostly happy but is willing to help anyone so I’m willing that neon pink can be her Ari is really really fashionable so I’m hoping xmeave10x can be her Rosanna is very sweet kind and has lots of laughter so rosanna can be her and Mackenzie is weird stupid and has everyones talent so i will be her so we will be filiming next saturday i think the 13th or the 12th well the wordpress posting screen changed and i got a F+ on my last sience test what a stupid sience teacher

31 thoughts on “My Movie!

  1. Uh… Don’t we all have very, very different time zones? Plus I’ve never spoken to Maeve before 😛 This could be pretty cool if it works, though!

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